Thursday, December 16, 2004

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1. Favorite author(s)? and why
enid blyton, aidan chambers, arthur conan doyle and pg wodehouse. because they can string a jolly good sentence together.

2. What is the most beautiful place to which you've ever been?
Rome (just pipping Oslo and Gibralter to the post.)

3. What do you consider the perfect temperature?
my abdomen usually has a nice temperature. so whatever that is.

4. Have you ever made a snow angel?
no, i didnt know what they were until recently.

5. What is your biggest regret(s)?
not giving my first college course a better go.

6. Favorite subject in high school?
history and geography

7. Favorite musical instrument?
cello and violin

8. When was the last time you laughed out loud, and why?
today when we were disecting the dogfish. kim found a worm in his intestines and picked it up with a tweezers while exclaiming something unprintable.

9. What animal do you think you were in a previous life?
i dont think i was an animal. i was most definitely human.

10. What animal would you like to be in a next life?
i think human again.

11. Do you and your significant other have a special song? If so, what is it?
i suppose that would have to be Mexico, yeah?

12. Describe the pair of shoes you wear most often.
white miss sixty runners that are falling apart at the seams through overuse.

13. What is your favorite candy bar?
at the moment its galaxy, but only with a cup of green tea.

14. Starbucks, I'm ordering, what's your poison?
coffee is vile.

15. What's the most dangerous thing you did regularly as a child?
probably jumping off a flat pub roof, or walking on 8ft walls, or playing football on the street, or freewheeling my bike down the hill with no hands on the bars.

16. How did you meet your best friend?
In school

17. Do you consider your parents your friends?
Yes, sort of, in a way.

18. What was the name of your first pet?
Pepsi (i had him for a day)

19. What surface do you like the feel of the best?
football pitch

20. Would you rather be a sculptor, painter or photographer?


At 2:34 a.m., Blogger RPM said...

1. Favorite author(s)? and why
JRR Tolkien, Asimov, Bradbury, Frank Herbert and Dan Simmons for creating the most imaginative worlds ever! And Dan Quinn (philosopher) as well as the author of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"

2. What is the most beautiful place to which you've ever been?
South Africa, and Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania

3. What do you consider the perfect temperature?

4. Have you ever made a snow angel?
I live in Canada, enough said...

5. What is your biggest regret(s)?
still not giving my university program a good enough go!

6. Favorite subject in high school?
philosophy, computer science

7. Favorite musical instrument?
i am totally un-musical, but i am a good audience

8. When was the last time you laughed out loud, and why?
reading the answers to these questions ;)

9. What animal do you think you were in a previous life?
something pretty low on the overall scale, i seem to have hit rock bottom now!

10. What animal would you like to be in a next life?
reincarnation just doesn't do it for me...sorry

11. Do you and your significant other have a special song? If so, what is it?
significant other eh?? how significant??

12. Describe the pair of shoes you wear most often.
Original VANS skate shoes with waffle soles that are black suede, with a lot of water damage

13. What is your favorite candy bar?

14. Starbucks, I'm ordering, what's your poison?
coffee is vile.

15. What's the most dangerous thing you did regularly as a child?
rock climbing, provoking dangerous animals, cliff jumping, trick mt. biking (guess i still do all those)

16. How did you meet your best friend?
still waiting

17. Do you consider your parents your friends?
more business associates

18. What was the name of your first pet?
i had a cactus once...unfortunately it died, but i babysat someone else's dog named Bubby

19. What surface do you like the feel of the best?
mercury, skin, metals

20. Would you rather be a sculptor, painter or photographer?
toss up between painting and photographer, but i am thinking painter, b/c then you can also draw or sketch which i enjoy


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