Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Primary school memories

Hanging your coats on a hook with your name on it.
Swinging on your chair.
Re-arranging your basket during all the boring subjects.
Knocking people's baskets over by 'accident'.
Standing on your chair, holding your Kit-Kat above your head while yelling, ' Annnnybodddy wannna swwwwaaaaaa-oooopppp?'
Knocking each other over at toy time to get the most popular toy, (stickle bricks).
Going to the staff-room to pick up the attendance notebook and bring it to the teacher.
Saying 'an-cha' when answering after your name (I later discovered this to be 'anseo'.)
Going on nature walks in the school grounds.
Going to the farm on your school tour.
Giving the driver of the coach a Take That mixtape to play so everyone can sing along.
Sharpening your pencil to a dangerous point and then sticking into the back of your schoolmate's hand to show them how sharp it is.
Leaking cartridge pens.
Pencils shavings on the floor.
Rubber bits on your copy.
Trying to rub out biro with the grey end of a rubber and ending up with a big hole in the page.
Drawing margins in red pen and ruler.
Looking to see if you got a star for your homework and then showing it to the entire row.
Acting in small plays that you rehearsed out in the corridor.
Nativity plays.
Going to mass on holy days.
Assembly in the PE hall each morning.
Singing 'Let Us Build the City of God' in assembly.
Visiting the convent to recieve communion for the first time by the nuns.
Having huge fights with your best friend and then making up with them after break.
Saying our prayers before lunch and throughout the day.
Singing songs in religion class.
Ignoring the boys in the playground.
Playing catch, hide and seek, ring a ring a rosey, Jackie Bluebells,Red Rover, Doctor Doctor'.
Falling in the yard every day and cutting your knee.
Freezing when the bell rang for end of playtime.
Avoiding the two teachers on yard duty.
Swapping pound shop stickers by the roll.
Fancy paper.
Sticky buns before hometime.


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