Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ok, Ive spent some time messing about with the html on this blog and you can see the result. Not too bad for a first-timer.

I went to play football on Thursday night. I'm delighted I went. It was fun and I did score so that made it more enjoyable. My leg muscles have been aching ever since. Not suprising seeing as I hadnt played in about 6 years. Must keep it up!

Also went out on Friday. The least said about that the better. Not only did I get wired on 4 red lemonades but I also had a small detour on the way home. Anyway, lots of the football girls were there and some spuds too. The music was bad and nothing I could dance to.

My parents went out for a meal today. It was very amiable Ive been told so that's positive. It's still strange not having my mam or sister here when I wake up. Today was the first Sunday Ive had alone with my dad. The house felt so empty and cold. No trip to the corner shop to get the Sunday papers and no Sunday roast for dinner. I ate two bowls of malted wheat with far too much sugar. And a few cups of herbal tea. It' s going to take some getting used to this seperation business.

It's late. I'll post tomorrow. Hope you like the blog and post more comments.


At 4:15 p.m., Blogger Redivivus said...

Hey there. Blog looks great! Love the background... I must be bold and tinker with my own template sometime. Hopefully the house starts to feel less empty. I think you are right. It will take time. Oh, and this is Meanderingmind from aP. :) Better ID myself.

At 4:25 p.m., Blogger Yoss said...

Gee thanks. Ive no idea how to use html. It was great fun trying. Thanks for the comment.


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