Thursday, October 20, 2005


Ive suddenly developed a great interest in dance music. I dont know where that came from. Maybe from last Saturday night. I left my mam's party and walked up to Shona's party instead. Nelson, Hughie and Damian were there. I ended up dancing with them all. Sugababes Push The Button and Chemical Brothers Hey Boy Hey Girl. Met Kim and Carol also. Then Louise came over to talk to me. Hadnt seen her since school. Had a funny chat with her. I was out in the smoking area sitting on Nelson's knee cos my feet were killing me standing around in the cowboy boots. He walked me back to the car and put his arm around my waist. We squished into the car and he dropped everyone home.

Have to go pick up my prescription at 4 today. Then I'm heading into town to see Pride and Prejudice with Amanda. I tried to read the whole book in 2 days before I saw the film. Didnt happen, I'm only halfway through.