Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Car home

It's the night after my mother took an overdose in her hotel room. She was taken to hospital and put on a drip. I'm sitting in the back of a cab home from work. The tall motorway lights pass amber bars over the cream pages of the book laid open on my lap. It's about a Pakistan general who died in a plane crash and the suggestion that mangoes may have caused it. In the car Roy Orbison is followed by Meatloaf and then The Beatles on the stereo. I can tell it's a cd as it keeps skipping. The driver sits with his left elbow resting on his knee. He continously runs his thumb over his nails looking for a sharp bit that he can pick at. His eyes dart around behind his horn-rimmed glasses and I notice a slight facial twitch. I can tell that the sports jacket he wears is too small for him as the sleeve stops a few inches short of the black leather wrist strap on his watch. My thoughts sigh.

Pic from http://autos.canada.com/greatcanadianroadtrip/index.html


At 8:23 a.m., Blogger Josanne said...

Great writing. Sad, but colorful, perspective. So sorry about your mother. Hope she made it. Notice you stopped writing after. Don't quit writing. You are abundantly blessed with that talent. Most enjoyable, even laughed out loud when you talked about your dad and his propensity for trashing a place. Sorry, maybe I wasn't supposed to laugh. Anyway ... I'll check back sometime.


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