Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My scopes for today..

It's time to come back down from that natural high you've been on for the last couple of days. Turn around a negative day, and let it shine in a positive light. You have the ability to make any situation appear better than it actually is. Take responsibility for your actions this afternoon.

It is important to express your talents, thereby avoiding frustration today. Demand what you need but be accepting of what fate serves up.

Your straightforward side may be sidetracked now while your mind -- or possibly your heart -- indulges in some fantastical stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with fantasy, mind you; in fact, it expands your thoughts and feelings, and can even leak some sweet stuff over into regular reality. It's when you get carried away that things can get a bit problematic. Ask a grounded friend for a reality check.


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