Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My dad cant cope without someone to irritate him. He needs to have somebody "out to get him". There's always people who do things just "to annoy him". These people are then umbrella-d under a string of expletives. And I have to listen to this. Day in, day out. And I cant complain because then room is made for me under the same umbrella.

Monday, January 16, 2006

I don't feel great today. I feel quite down and lethargic. I just want to get into bed with someone and read Peanuts.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Well Ronan shall not be reuniting with Boyzone. *rolls eyes*

Im feeling creative at the moment. But I feel too tired to do anything. Assignments depress me just looking at them. So do jobs. I think I'd like to hibernate....

Liverpool on telly tomorrow, something to look forward to.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Ronan has agreed to join Boyzone on a reunion tour. I'm smiling. Reminds me of when I was 12 with my Ronan posters and Boyzone magazines. Nostalgia is good for me. I think. But then I hear Ali got married. Well, that put me a on a little downer. Not like I could ever have had her or anything.

Anyway, I'm home and there's no elecrtricity in the top half of the house. So no heat or computer or lights or hot showers. Have to wear my hat and fingerless gloves around the house. Also been sleeping on the sofa for the past 3 days. I'm like a hobo going around.

Mam and dad are getting on so much better lately. They actually laugh and joke with each other. That feels quite strange I must admit.