Saturday, September 23, 2006

H left today. She's gone for a whole 2 years. I hope she remembers me when she gets back!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I've just finished work (it's 11pm) and decided to make another entry in my blog while waiting for the taxi to pick me up. Hurricane Gordon is thrashing around outside with winds up to 120 mph. My mam's flat has lost power so I will be reading Dean Koontz by candlelight. Ooh scary! I had a 3 hour break after Drivetime so I decided to go for a meal with * in a very posh Chinese restaurant. The food is possibly the tastiest food I have ever tasted. I'm not a fan of hot things but found myself devouring the chillis on my starter. My mouth is salivatiing at the thought!
I then walked back to work on my own in the dark. Silly me decided to take the short cut throught the trees and didn't I scare the shit out of myself imagining all sorts of psychopaths chasing me in the shadows!

I've been carrying two magazines and three books around with me in my bag every day. This was with the intention of reading them at work. However, work is so full of distractions that you just can't concentrate. Yet, I still carry the books everywhere with me.