Friday, February 22, 2008

Lunch and Juno was rubbish

Went for our well overdue Christmas lunch yesterday (all 3 of us!). The restaurant was fabulous, the proprieter was exceptionally amiable (possibly due to the celeb in our mists) and the food was divine. It was a fruitful lunch with lots of ideas being bandied about, lots of laughter and gossip. I think we should do it more often!

Went to see Juno last night. I had been looking forward to it for about two months. Well…it was absolutely excruciating to watch. (yes, that's right, I didn't like Juno)The dialogue came “rat-a-tat-tat” from some obnoxious teenager with a surplus of Gilmore genes. Who on earth talks like that? Painful. I was expecting a heart-warming indie movie. There was nothing heart-warming about Juno. I’m still unsure if the reel wasn’t switched in the cinema and I saw Juno: The Parody. The real, quirky, funny, loveable Juno that I had imagined is out there, waiting for me to see it.

I can’t bring myself to post a picture from the movie so you are going to have to do with some Chinese food.

(image from

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Changing Rooms

I've just eaten biscuits today. Biscuits and a carton of orange juice. The cat has more food in the presses than I do. (fridge is broken)

I'm supposed to be clearing out the rooms in the house but I hadn't the energy for that. Hadn't even got the energy to turn the pages in the Sunday Times. I took an armful of dvds from one room the next and then stacked the large coffee table books onto the shelf behind the fernsehen (tv). (It hasn't been working for the last 3 days, how am I going to watch the football?) I'll have to do it all tomorrow evening when I get home from work which will be around 7pm. I'm going to be too tired.

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