Thursday, May 26, 2005

Champions of Europe!!!!!

I can't believe we won!!!! I was so dejected at half time. The end of the dream.
But then a miracle!!
Stevie G with a sublime header!!
Vladman with a peach!!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Answer these in comments.....

What makes you laugh?
Myself, Family Guy, Everton FC

Who is your hero?
Rafa Benitez...genius

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?
Usually down the back of the radiator.

Who do you blame for your mood today?
My parents.

If the Internet were sex... I would be a nymphomaniac.

Have you ever seen a dead body?

What is something scientists need to invent?
A peace machine

What should we do with stupid people?
Enforce a curfew and give them books to read

Have you ever broken a bone?
I think I might have broken a toe when I jumped off the pub roof.

Do you watch local news? Why?
Local news, not really. Sky news, yes. Because it is interesting.

What happens after you die?
Why are you asking me?

How big is your bed? Big enough?
No, it's tiny.

How long do you think you will live?
Until i burn out.

Here she is in the Coldplay video for "The Scientist" with Chris Martin.

There was a girl in our school called Elaine. She was an aspiring actress. And now she's famous. It's weird.

How delightful!

Friday, May 13, 2005


You are 93% Sagittarius


You Are 40% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...

Other things you do are downright strange

You've got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Redmen! the final. Wow.

How did Gudjohnson NOT score in the final minute?!
I saw the ball hitting the back of the net and all the Chelsea players wheeling off to celebrate. But for some reason, he missed! I fell off the chair onto the floor when I saw it fly past the far post!

Roll on Istanbul!

Seems like such a long time ago now.

In October my family's car turned over on the motorway. I had just refused a lift with them preferring to take the bus, even though they would have dropped me right outside my destination. They were taken to hospital but were very lucky to return home alive and without any serious injuries. I was blessed as the empty seat (where I would have been sitting) was completely mangled. That shook me up.